28 Feb 2022, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes



February 2022


Date:  Monday, Feb. 28, 2022

Time:  1830

Location: Zoom


I. Call to Order: 6:34pm


II. Roll Call:  Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay,Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Todd Johnston, Committee member; Ken Madeiro, Committee member; Vin McAteer, Committee member; Mark Nannini, Committee member; Randy Shore, Committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator

a) Vote on Approval of new Committee member: Motion made and seconded to approve E.C. Helme as a PHRF-NB Committee member. Those present voted unanimously to approve the recommendation to add EC Helme as a committee member.


III. Approval Meeting Minutes: November 2021. Motion made and seconded to approve the November minute. Members present voted to approve the minutes


IV. Review Draft of 2022 Annual Meeting. Members present stated that review found no changes to the draft minutes

V. Appeals:  None

VI. Ratings: Review Request:

a) Steve Clark – asked for a rating on his International 110, Portsmouth Yardstick, PHRF-NB example: Good Foot. The members present accepted the recommendation from the Rating Chairman to ask Steve Clarke to submit a rating certificate with supporting documents.

VII. Ratings Review:  It was agreed by the members present to table the review of rating for the listed boats until more data is obtained. Will Museler has sent a letter to ESCA and Detroit PHRF asking for any data they have on the Nonsuch boats.

a) Alerion 28:  US Sailing fleet, PHRF-NB example: Little Zilla  Weight question is key.

b) Nonsuch 30

c) Nonsuch 33

d) Nonsuch 36


a) Communication with US Sailing and proposed agenda to US Sailing; Will to update.

b) Changes and updates to PHRF-NB website – members input is the concern about the flexibility of the existing system. Also the commitment that Erik can put into our requests as this is not primary focus. It was suggested that we begin a search for a new webmaster.

i) Roy’s talk to Erik about feasibility and cost

ii) PDF print of cert works is now working

iii) Add Graduated costs: $50 new Cert, $25 Change to Cert, $100 new Cert or Change within 5 days of requirement. These costs are all handled manually by Kathy Rotsky as they occur and need to be clearly stated.

iv) Implement drop down for boat model/type. This change will be requested.

v) Rename drop down “Rating Rules” to “Rules & Instruction”, New sub-drops “Rating Rules”, “Appeals” add Appeal Guidance, “Principles of PHRF-NB” and “Instructions & Guides” (attachment below)

IX. New Business:

a) Proposed new members for Committee: Ben Hall and Henry Little. Kathy Rotsky is working to clarify their interest in joining PHRF-NB

b) Communication from Jay Tyson at ORA regarding ORREZ. – ORA1, Perf Lite has been dropped. Gulf Yachting is no longer participating in the test and has moved to ORREZ. Will Museler spoke with Jay and was asked if info on results that they could shadow. Twenty Hundred Club will accomodate

c) Review of “New Base/Changes to Base Rating Procedure” (2017)

d) Meeting March 28th – will Zoom

e) Bob Horton will provide the list of provisional ratings issued in 2021 and 2021 rating appeals for review.


X. Adjournment: 8:15pm





The handicap appeal process has two levels of appeal. The first level of an appeal is to the PHRF-NB Rating Committee, the second level is to US SAILING.  Please note that the PHRF-NB Rating Committee may table, or reject, an appeal if it feels insufficient information is presented.  Also, the Committee may refer any appeal directly US Sailing Race Administration Director.  PHRF-NB appeal process is outlined below, but may be modified by the Rating Committee Chairman at his discretion.

Appealing of a yacht’s rating by owner

Any member of PHRF-NB may appeal the rating of his/her own yacht by electronic submission, to the Rating Committee at PHRF-NB Admin <PHRFAdmin@phrf-nb.org> and filling out the two page Appeal Form found at <https://www.phrf-nb.org/sites/default/files/AppealForm_0.xls> The appeal will be acted upon within forty-five days of receipt.

The owner of the yacht shall be notified of the appeal hearing fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing.  The hearing will take place at time and location designated and presided over by the Chairperson of the PHRF-NB Rating Committee.  It is preferred that the meeting take place in-person, but may be conducted by electronic means if the Chairperson deems that to be necessary.

During the hearing, the owner (or his representative) will present their position.  The Rating Committee members will then ask questions of the applicant.  Upon conclusion of the question period, the owner will be asked to withdraw from the hearing.  The Rating Committee will continue with the hearing meeting to resolve the appeal and proceed to a decision.  Within seven days, the owner will be notified of the decision and all rationale of the Rating Committee, by e-mail.  No further communications regarding the appeal will be acknowledged for one year from the date of the decision.

Appeal of Another Yacht’s Rating

At least two members of PHRF-NB may appeal the rating of Another Yacht’s Rating by electronic submission, to the Rating Committee at PHRF-NB Admin <PHRFAdmin@phrf-nb.org> and filling out the two page Appeal Form found at <https://www.phrf-nb.org/sites/default/files/AppealForm_0.xls>..  Upon receipt of the appeal of another yacht’s rating, copies of all documents relevant to the appeal will be sent to the Rating Committee members and a hearing will be scheduled within forty-five (45) days.  The owner of the protested yacht be notified of the appeal hearing fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing and provided a written summary of the facts presented in the appeal.  The hearing will take place at time and location designated and presided over by the Chairperson of the PHRF-NB Rating Committee.  The parties to the appeal will so be notified.  It is preferred that the hearing take place in-person, but may be conducted by electronic means if the Chairperson deems that to be necessary.

During the hearing, the appellants designated spokesperson will be asked to present their position and the owner of the protested yacht will present their position.  In the same order, the parties to the appeal will be allowed no more than a ten-minute rebuttal. The Rating Committee members will then question both parties to the appeal.  When this portion of the hearing concludes, the Chairperson will then dismiss both parties to the appeal.

After this dismissal and the departure of the parties to the appeal, the Rating Committee will continue to meet to resolve the appeal and shall proceed to a decision.  The Committee decision and all rationale will be returned, by e-mail to the appellants and the owner of the protested yacht within seven (7) days of the hearing.  No further communications regarding the appeal will be acknowledged for one (1) year from the date of the decision.

Appeals to US SAILING

After the appeal processes described above, an appeal of PHRF-NB Rating Committee decision can be forwarded to the US Sailing Race Administration Director for resolution.
