10 May 2021 PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

PHRF-NBMeeting AgendaApril 2021

Date:          Monday, May 10, 2021
Time:         1830

Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, rating chairman; Roy Guay, treasurer;  Paul Cronin, committee member;  Paul Grimes, committee member; Todd Johnston, committee member;  Ken Madeiro, committee member; Moose McClintock, committee member; Mark Nannini, committee member; Randy Shore, committee member;  Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB administrator

III.    Approval Meeting Minutes: April 2021 motion made and seconded to approve the April 26, 2021 minutes

  1. Appeals:
  2. a)       Certificate 15666 – Overproof , Open 30, Tim Scanlon, Mr Scanlon stated that he has owned the boat for about 1 year and that it has a Club ORC and that many of the numbers are questionable particularly the weight. He has race the boat twice this year and finished far behind on corrected time. His current base is 36.  Compared to the Sunfast 3300 Alchemist, Overproof is lighter and the designed mainsail should not have a penalty for being oversized as it is calculated in the base. The question of the water ballast weight appears it is 374 pounds vs. the Sunfast 440 pounds. The Sunfast 3300 has a base rating of 63. After a long and thorough discussion the members presented voted to approve a base of 57 with water ballast and Overproof would then sail at 47 after adjustments.
  3. Open Discussion: Graves Constellation with Graves owners regarding Base rating. Graves owners attending the meeting via Zoom were, Dave Pritchard, Mike Zani, Colby Smith, Bob Buffington, Pete Buffington, Ken Yeager.

Dave Pritchard was the spokesperson for the group of owns and presented slides representing the design of Graves Constellations and race results as well as facts regarding the Graves fleet preparation and post-race reviews as well as limited race results from the MOHOSA Race series and owner/skipper backgrounds.

Will Museler presented an ORA VVP study of the Graves compared to a J30 which showed the Graves rating in a range of 176 to 188. Documentation that was obtained in conjunction with Jim Teeters.

Prior to the conclusion of the Graves rating Pete Buffington asked to say a few words and described the effort that the Graves owners expend to prepare their boats and the review of their weekly performance

Mike Zani asked to presented data and information on his Graves Constellation, Vela, since it is a slightly modified Graves. His changes were documented and he also presented limited race results. His major statement was that the replacement mast weighs 20 pounds more than the original.

After the Graves owners left the Zoom meeting the members present had an additional discussion regarding the ratings for these boats and they agreed that an adjustment of 6 seconds to be applied the current base ratings of the Graves Constellations including Vela. Will Museler will draft a letter to the Graves Constellation owners informing them of this decision.

  1. Ratings:

  1. a)       Certificate 15495 – Bully Circus, Farr 30 EVO, Buster Pike owner. Owner needed to confirm measurements. This boat has a standard class rig, the original inboard engine was removed and replaced with an outboard. The boat should rate as a standard Farr 30 with adjustments. The members present agreed that a base rating of 51 should be assigned.
  2. b)       Certificate 15384 – Dark Star, E-32-2, Pete Levesque owner. Waiting for new measurements and weight.
  3. c)       Certificate 15700 – Dorade, S&S 52 Yawl, Jim Madden owner. A base rating of 74 was assigned based on information on the boat prior to the meeting.
  4. d)       Certificate 15759 – Choucas 3 RM1370, Frederic Cosandey owner. Mr. Cosandey is not satisfied that his rating is correct. Research has identified that this boat has a lifting keel that extended has a draft of 11 feet that was not reported in other PHRF ratings. Refer to letter from Mr. Cosandey. Members present agreed that the owner should be notified to file a formal appeal of the current rating. Base is 12 and sailing at 27.
  5. e)       Certificate 15759 – Bella Vela, Beneteau Oceanis 45 SD, Anthony Costanzo owner. Many cruising amenities came factory ready and feels his rating did not account for this added weight.  Emails attached. The boat has a base rating of 105 and sails at 124. The members present agreed that the owner should be notified to file a formal appeal.

VII.    Old

  1. a)       Peter Becker- Young American Campaign is requesting 3 gratis certificates from the committee this year. He thanks the committee for our previous support. Only 1 certificate was asked for and provided in 2020. This is a youth program. Randy Shore indicated that he was willing to pay for 1 C&C certificate. The members present agreed that 3 certificates will be made available.

VIII.    New Business:

  1. a)       Meeting May 24th – Zoom and/or place
  2. Adjournment  at 9:02pm


Subject: Choucas 3 certificate

I have just submitted a renewal application for my boat choucas3 sail number 13706.

I would like the phrf committee to have a another look at the rating.

I have received a rating of 54 from NE PHRF and a rating of 57 from YRALIS PHRF.

I find the rating of 12 from NB PHRF to be quite penalizing in comparison.

Why are the ratings so different?

Please advise.

Thank you

Fred cosandey


I don’t know if you got my last email or not?

As I stated before the boat has the ICW package.

This package shortens the mast an sail area.

Not to mention the keel.

This boat has many cruising amenities most do not.  Cummins Generator and not 1 but 3 AC units.

We obviously designed the boat for cruising first racing second.  Please let me know if any adjustments can be made on our PHRF rating.

If not, I completely understand we will take the good with the bad.

Anthony Costanzo III

Capitol Billiards